Thanks a lot Dowon !
Another question about hazards :
Do secondary hazards are necessarily considered as consequences of the primary hazard or could they be more like 'additive hazards' ?
For example : a fire occurs (primary hazard), and the strong wind will spread it fast. Strong wind is here...
Hello Team !
I have just uploaded a new version of my "maps" document (v2).
I also uploaded a ppt document compiling all the hazard, vulnerabilities and impacts regarding my case study. I asked a few questions directly in the presentation (please display the comments).
Thanks a lot for your remarks...
Hello to the Team,
I hope everyone is doing well. I cannot find the way to upload other document besides the ppt presentation. Could you explain me how to complete the Working File ?
Thanks a lot !
Hello ITC team, It seems I cannot upload my updated files. Is it normal? Thanks for the help! G
Thanks a lot Dowon ! Another question about hazards : Do secondary hazards are necessarily considered as consequences of the primary hazard or could they be more like 'additive hazards' ? For example : a fire occurs (primary hazard), and the strong wind will spread it fast. Strong wind is here...
Hello Team ! I have just uploaded a new version of my "maps" document (v2). I also uploaded a ppt document compiling all the hazard, vulnerabilities and impacts regarding my case study. I asked a few questions directly in the presentation (please display the comments). Thanks a lot for your remarks...
Hello to the Team, I hope everyone is doing well. I cannot find the way to upload other document besides the ppt presentation. Could you explain me how to complete the Working File ? Thanks a lot ! Guillaume